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"The DaVinci Code"  by Mike Smith
It's Just A Movie....What A Great Privilege....Passing On...My Favorite Films -- Part 20: "Star Wars"  by Mike Smith
Nolan's Pop Culture Review, 2006!
    Established A.D. 2000, March 19. Now in our seventh calendar year!
Number 321  (Vol. 7, No. 20). This edition is for the week of May 15--21, 2006.

New Direction...Again

OK, everybody, let's just forget the 24 hours or so of Wednesday night/Thursday night's "new" format of PCR. This version is a little closer to the mark. Still fine-tuning, mind you, but finally headed in the right direction, I think!

To long-time readers who are feeling a bit of deja vu, you might be right; this layout recalls a very similar one I tried out in 2002 and some of 2003. Maybe I had it right the first time, haha. Anyway, hopefully this will help get a feel for this week's stories at-a-glance without overwhelming new readers or risking the loyalty of older ones. ---Nolan

WOOPS! Back to the Drawing Board!
by Nolan Canova

I had the new PCR format on the web only a few hours when complaints started trickling in. Evidently, I was tampering with something sacred, even though I was struggling to improve the accessibility of Nolan's Pop Culture Review.
Click here for more...
by Mike Smith

"The Da Vinci Code"

Unless you've been away on Mars the past few years, you've surely heard of  "The Da Vinci Code." Dan Brown's best-selling novel tells the story of a hidden order that has been charged with keeping a secret so sacred that it's very revelation would shake the world.
Click here for more...

by Mike Smith

Ah, summer! The weather is warm, the grass is green and it's time for Hollywood to release those highly-anticipated films that will take our minds off of the price of gasoline. Here are the films that will entertain us until school starts again.
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Crisis In Infinite Comics: The Man Who Hated Laughter
by ED Tucker

In 1985, DC Comics orchestrated one of the most spectacular events in comic book history with a year long, twelve issue series designed to merge all of their existing comic worlds into one linear “multiverse”. The “Crisis on Infinite Earths” was heralded as one of the most important and exhaustive projects ever to grace a comic book...
Click here for more...

Please note that Sanford magician Harry Wise will not be performing at Charlie Carlson's summer camp for kids as mentioned in "La Floridiana" in PCR #320 due to conflicts with his schedule. We apologize for any inconvenience this oversight may have caused.

Attached is a link to the National UFO Reporting Center of the mysterious stationary pulsating light that my brother-in-law Tommy Winnett and I, William Moriaty, saw on April 1, 2006 from his residence at High Rock Lake in Davidson County, North Carolina, outside of Lexington.
http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/049/S49919.html. I find Peter Davenport's response at the end of the report intriguing.

  • Happy 27th Birthday, Terence!
  • “THE 100” Honors the Legacy of the late Mr. Herbert Carrington, Sr.
    Click here for more...
    by Mike Smith

    It's Just A Movie....What A Great Privilege....Passing On...My Favorite Films -- Part 20: "Star Wars"

    Click here for more...



    The first meeting of the Tampa Film Review in two months brought together a good turn-out and some pretty darn good movies.

    Click here for more...

    Still to Come:
    The Tampa Film Network Meeting for May!

    Please consider making a donation to help support Crazed Fanboy! Click on the "donate" link below and give whatever you can. I sincerely thank you for any and all consideration.---Nolan
    In Association with Amazon.com

    "Mike's Rant" is ©2006 by Michael A. Smith     "La Floridiana" is ©2006 by William Moriaty     "This Week's Movie Review" is ©2006 by Michael A. Smith    "Citizen X" is ©2006 by Vinnie Blesi    "My Middle Toe Is Longer Than Yours" is ©2006 by Mark Terry      All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2006 by Nolan B. Canova    
    Crazed Fanboy dotcom is owned and operated by Nolan B. Canova

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