So it begins! POSTED BY TERENCE NUZUM, January 5, 2012 Share
Hello readers past, present, and future. You might be noticing something a little different this year on Crazed Fanboy. It's transition. After 10 years, Ye Olde Editor, our beloved Nolan Canova, weary of drama, battle-scarred and disgusted with pop culture in general, has stepped down. He has bequeathed the site to yours truly. It's a huge honor and responsibility (and it ain't cheap either, folks!) and I promise I'm not going to tarnish this awesome achievment he created a decade ago. I'm still going forward with what I call The Big Mission. That is complete and unwavering devotion to the site, its contents, and its future. Not to mention Nolan's rules that will still be set in stone forever (but that's for the writers). You might be wondering what changes are in store, if any. Well, you've no doubt already seen some if you are reading this. The layout of the homepage will be different. Not just in design. You may notice some writers are missing. Those who chose to leave, to put it in a nutshell, let personal issues get in the way of their writing and contribution, which is sad. I'm the kinda guy who could hate a person and still finish making a movie with them. Because the finished product and being true to the end result is all that matters. Screw personal issues. But to each their own. And to be fair, some just wrote because they knew Nolan and when he left they felt they should, too. I'm disappointed by the loss of some of those writers...others simply didn't fit anyway. I am grateful for those who did stay and glad they have a good artistic devotion regardless of any petty squabbles between me or others on the site.
So what can you expect in 2012? The site itself is going back to its roots. Roots most readers and writers probably never knew it had. Nolan always wanted the site to eventually be able to house an online video series, radio shows and even a distribution arm. Unfortunately, it just never got off the ground. So this year that all changes. Columns will always be a part of CFB, but in 2012 will take a slight backseat to more multimedia ventures. So this year look for new episodes of Radioactive Television and Into the Fringe (our paranormal podcast).
Archival articles and research was always what CFB was most searched for when it came to hits. That being said, the wonderful Dr. Paul Bearer Database is now front and center along with our new Doctor Who Review Database and, of course, Schlockarama.
This year, be on the lookout for new columns that will be covering everything from concert reviews to British television to video games.
Promotion will also be a huge angle under my editorship and expect some cool goodies like T-shirts in the future! Also, a compilation of Radioactive Television episodes on one DVD with some really good extra bonus features to boot!
I hope all you readers stick with us because the next ten years of CFB is only just beginning.....oh yeah, and if not, you know what I always say... To hell with you all!
Terence Nuzum
"From The Pit" is ©2012 by Terence Nuzum. All contents of Crazed Fanboy are ©2012 by Nolan B. Canova and Terence Nuzum. Share This Article on Facebook! Email
Columns Currently on Crazed Fanboy:
Time Slip
Stomping the Phantom Brake Pedal
Little Big Solider (2010)
Nintendo's Top Dog
Death Row Girls (2004)
Spring Bears Love
Robotech Memories
Chuyện Těnh Xa Xứ (Passport to Love)
Kung Fu
The World Sinks Except Japan
Flashes of Fear Is Only The Beginning...
The Incredibly Strange Film Show: Jackie Chan
The Eternal Evil of Asia
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Dominion: Tank Police
Hellraiser, Porn Star Noise and TV Preview
Bloody Italy
The Original Anime Fanboy