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Doctor WHO Fan Podcast

Episode 10: Vampires of Venice
The Vampires of Venice In this episode, Relative Dimensions' host Terence Nuzum reviews one of his least favorite episodes, "The Vampires of Venice", and to his surprise thinks it just may be perfect.

TRT: 11:34 mins.
Uploaded 9-21-2015.

Right-click this link: Relative Dimensions, Episode 10: THe Vampires of Venice, to download the MP3 file (10.6 MB) directly to your computer!

All Episodes:
Relative Dimensions, Episode 10: The Vampires of Venice
Relative Dimensions, Episode 9: Web of Fear
Relative Dimensions, Episode 8: Enemy of the World
Relative Dimensions, Episode 7: The Ice Warriors and Series 8
Relative Dimensions, Episode 6: Series 8, Episodes 1--6
Relative Dimensions, Episode 5: Tomb of the Cybermen
Relative Dimensions, Episode 4: Day of the Doctor
Relative Dimensions, Episode 3: Night of the Doctor and Light at the End
Relative Dimensions, Episode 2: The Daleks
Relative Dimensions, Episode 1: An Unearthly Child

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