40........December 25--31, 2000. Special 2-page cover story about what
this year meant to me. I really, really unwind. Thanks to everyone who helped me out this year, you'll probably see your names listed.
Special 2-page Commentary section: Mike, Matt, and Terence all have year-end final ravings! Happy New Year! See you in the next millenium!
39........December 18--24, 2000. Oh the weather outside is frightful...the fiiiire soooo delightful. As I write this, the temperature
outside is approaching freezing in Tampa! Why the ' 60s Christmas specials will live forever. "Mike's Rant" is in! No Matt this week.
38........December 11--17, 2000. Season's Greetings! Bush league wins; time's run out for Al Gore. GORE CONCEDES RACE!! "Mike's Rant" and
"Matt's Rail" are in. Matt finally reveals his top 10 guitarists list.
37........December 4--10, 2000. Shiver me timbers, it's getting chilly down here! It's about over for Mr. Gore. First responses to
Matt's "Top 10 guitarists" challenge are in! "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are in.
36........November 27--December 3, 2000. Are we elected yet? Nolan's revisit to Fox shows. The X-Files reviewed. "Mike's Rant" is in! Plus: a cool correspondent from Sarasota--who
also writes columns! Late entry: "Matt's Rail" is here! (Includes his top 10 guitarists challenge.)
35........November 20--26, 2000. Happy Thanksgiving! Unbelievably, we're still counting election ballots in Florida. The weather's turned cold. I review the Grinch movie! A brief
history of Thanksgiving. The T.R.E.E. planting was successful. "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are in!
34........November 13--19, 2000. Still waiting on absentee ballots, that's all I've got to say right now. Life goes on at Pop Culture Review....like my first, scratch-built gif animation!
Some pale reviews (among my last?) of Fox's premiere shows. A T.R.E.E. reminder. "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are here!
33........November 6--12, 2000. So far my favorite part of election night coverage was Dan Rather, in the wee hours, trying to keep his composure with this weird, flip-flop mess
of a presidential race. And we Floridians are, once again, in the spotlight. I'll admit, I've never seen anything like this. "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are in!
32........October 30--November 5, 2000. Sorry I'm late. Lost-and-found, Halloween in Tampa, The Top 10 horror movies lists, and Steve Allen--R.I.P.
I write about a side of Steve you may not know. Happy (belated) birthday, Corey Castellano! "Mike's Rant" and "Terence's Tirade" are in!
31........October 23--29, 2000. Back online!!! One week to the day after my computer exploded, I'm back. This issue is Part 2
of our special Halloween issue 2-parter: THE TOP 10 HORROR MOVIES OF ALL TIME! First up--the Top 10 list of Matt Drinnenberg. (Delayed from last issue.)
30........October 16--22, 2000. First of a 2-parter. Special Halloween issue, PART 1: We pick our TOP 10 horror films of ALL TIME!
29........October 9--15, 2000. Two more contributions to our ongoing Top 10 album meltdown! A welcome surprise from Texas: the one and only SAG, Scott A. Gilbert of True Artist Tales! Also, Tampa writer and
first-time contributor, "Lauré", with her Top 21(!). Terence's new Top 10 challenge! "Mike's Rant is in and is totally action-packed. Includes a song list with special meanings. The absolutely last word on Terence in "Matt's Rail".
28........October 2--8, 2000. Shockingly, The Exorcist re-release is not playing at my local bijou, so my review has to wait until I can get across town. But, you can read Mike Smith's take on it and many other things.
Also, my micro-review of Dark Angel. Terence Nuzum responds to his critics.
27........September 25--October 1, 2000. Last episode of The World of Nolan for the season/year/ decade/century/ millenium. Guest host Joe Murgia interviews "Green Law" party's Joe Simonetta. Videomaker Eric Avant
sent in his Top 10 albums! Corey Castellano on board for "In Search of...". Letters: Terence's rebuttal to Mike about last issue. "Mike's Rant" recalls his NY trip. "Matt's Rail" address Terence.
26........September 18--24, 2000. My Top 11-20 albums of all time! Mike and Eric of "The Front" appear on The World of Nolan, with pix rom the episode. "Mike's Rant" has some additional Top 10 album picks
as well as comments on The Exorcist and the Chapin brothers. The dark personage of Terence Nuzum strikes again with his Top 11--20!
25........September 11--17, 2000. "The World of Nolan"'s much-anticipated filmmaker reunion. Terence, Ray, and Renee from Viddywell Productions as well as my horror flick are here! Will Moriaty's T.R.E.E. website
has returned! More Top 10 fallout: a Top 20 list from Scott van Sickle! "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are in! Matt lists his 11--20.
24........September 4--10, 2000. Top 10 album issue a success! Last week's TWON went well, reviewed here. This week's TWON a success, reviewed next issue! "Mike's Rant" is in. No Matt this week. Evidently the Lewises
and Lisa Zubek have retired their columns. We wish them luck on their future endeavors. New columnists wanted...again!
23........August 28--September 3, 2000. Mike, Nolan, and Matt's Top Ten albums of all time. Terence snarls in his Top 10! "Mike's Rant" features some movie gossip.
22........August 21--27, 2000. Shake-up at Public Access. Will Moriaty on TWON. "Mike's Rant" on legal matters, movie news, and turning 40(!). Matt comments on aforementioned legal matters and Public Access. No Lisa, John, or Ashley.
21........August 14--20, 2000. Nolan on turning 45 in the year 2000. Ashley on The Misfits. "Mike's Rant" takes on VH-1's "Top TV moments". Lisa's back with movie news. Matt's exceptionally generous birthday greetings for Nolan.
20........August 7--13, 2000. Sir Alec Guiness dies at 86. My indy feature, "The Horror Writer", has decently successful debut; read all about the story here! I prepare to turn 45 this Sunday (the 13th)--YIKES! Mike,
Matt and the Lewises are all in! No Lisa this week.
19........July 31--August 6, 2000. "Radioactive Television, Episode 1: The Horror Writer" is finally complete and on the air! Cut it real close, but it's there. The first pix taken directly
from the videotape are posted in this issue. Some follow-up with the story appears in this issue, mostly saving that for next week as time permits. "Lisa's Lambast", "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are all in! Also, a word from Steve Beasley on the late Gordon Solie.
18........July 24--30, 2000. Action-packed issue! The gang and I relive "The Day the Earth Stood Still" at Tampa Theatre. Last issue's want ad results:
new reporters John and Ashley Lewis join me on the front page. New Letters page columnist, Lisa Zubek, debuts "Lisa's Lambast". "Mike's Rant" covers Joe Piscopo, The World of Nolan, Phillip Smith's baseball achievements and much more!
"Matt's Rail" includes his long-awaited Top 10 movie list! This online fanzine is WAY OUTTA CONTROL, people!
17........July 17--23, 2000. Name and format change starts with this issue! "Nolan's Newsstand" is now "Nolan's Pop Culture Review, incorporating Nolan's Newsstand". Special X-Men issue--I
review the new movie! The X-Files shake-up. Stan Lee clarification. "Mike's Rant" includes Playboy, Jaws, Star Wars and comics! "Matt's Rail" returns at last! Matt accounts for his disappearance. Want ad discontinued.
Check back as we complete this retooling!
16........July 10--16, 2000. My take on the Fox X-Men special. My "Cub" Koda story. Video update. "Mike's Rant" is especially cathartic! Still no word from Matt yet,
assumed resigned. Wanted: fan columnist.
15........July 3--9, 2000. I review the last 3 movies I saw: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Perfect Stom, and The Patriot! My horror video update. Mike Smith's reviews of "The Patriot" (and others) will be in next
week's "Rant". What I thought was solemn family business turned out to be an extended vacation on Martha's Vineyard for Mr. Drinnenberg. Hope he's back "railing" next week.
14........June 26--July 2, 2000. Crazy week people...late start for this issue. Monkee-mania hits VH-1. South Park NAMBLA episode finally reviewed. Canova family reunion scheduled for St. Augustine. Check out "Mike's Rant"!
Important family business has distracted Matt, so no "Matt's Rail" this week. Hope he's back soon.
13........June 19--25, 2000. The return of Scott A. Gilbert! A brief...er...testimonial by Nolan on SAG. "Mike's Rant" is in. It features, among other things, the ATI's Top Ten comedy films of all time, complete with Mike's
comments (mine, too). Also, Matt picks his Top Ten.
12........June 12--18, 2000. Happy Birthday, Ron Canova! "The World of Nolan" special enjoys successful debut. Computer update. "Mike's Rant" begins with tragic news, but sails on with a great too-much-to-list rant on various pop culture topics!
"Matt's Rail" addresses swift justice, Jar-Jar Binks, Mike's army days (sort of a HATS epilogue), and a review of the first "The World of Nolan" special from a surprise source.
11........May 29--June 11, 2000. Special 2-week double issue. I'm baaaaack! Had to miss last week. Read all about my re-roofing nightmare. My new computer is just a couple of days away.
"Clerks" cartoon debut reviewed. Mike rants about Charles Schulz lesbians out in the boondocks and votes for best summer movies. Matt announces his new monster-fan site! Both contribute the last "HATS" chapter!
10........May 22--28, 2000, Nolan takes on last Sunday night's Fox finales with brief reviews of King of the Hill, The Simpsons, and Malcolm in the Middle. Then revs up for a lengthier review of The X-Files, natch! Sir John Gielgud dead at 96.
His career is covered in "Mike's Rant". Mike also tackles my comments from last issue, pits his testicles vs Barbra Streisand, and, of course, the last(?) word on the "Jaws" DVD. "Matt's Rail" rails on bad TV and bad service from Sears. Plus: a new HATS chapter!
9.........May 15--21, 2000. Nolan starts his notes on May sweeps week (i.e.,this week). "Mike's Rant" and "Matt's Rail" are in and are, as always, required reading! Narrowly escaping a tornado, Mike revisits the Jaws DVD debacle and
there's a new "Hats" chapter. Matt brings great news about the Forry/Ferry FM court battle verdict.
8.........May 8--14, 2000. A brief review of TV's "Jason and the Argonauts". A "preview" of Nolan's Public Access TV special (recorded 5-11-00). "Mike's Rant" includes a must-read JAWS rant to ABC, some sad celebrity deaths and The Hats, chapter 3.
"Matt's Rail" revisits road rage. This Mother's Day issue is dedicated to my mother, Gabrielle, and to my first "surrogate" mom, Barbara Castellano.
7.........May 1--7, 2000. Nolan reviews Tampa independent feature "Sins of the Blood". Also, his take on last week's South Park (Elian spoof) and X-Files (4-star episode!). Stan Lee and Superman. Commentary features the promised snapshot
of Mike Smith meeting Kevin Smith (no relation) at the latter's New Jersey collector's shop! "Mike's Rant" features a new HATS chapter and movie announcements. "Matt's Rail" includes his secret coffee recipe.
6.........April 24--30, 2000. Nolan reviews The Three Stooges TV-movie bio-pic. Also, updates on local Tampa indy features "The Horror Writer" and "Sins of the Blood". In Commentary, "Mike's Rant" includes South Park, Kevin Smith, drug commercials,
and the history of "The Hats, part 1". "Matt's Rail" touches one last time on Elian, then goes on to the state of affairs with Famous Monsters.
5.........April 17--23, 2000. Bemoaning X-Files and South Park. Home improvement activity distracts Nolan, but some good commentary anyway. Mike Smith overwhelms the Letters page. Matt rails on traffic, Elian Gonzalez, and great Easter memories.
Issue dedicated to Ann van Sickle.
4.........April 9,10--16, 2000. Issue dating policy revised as of this issue to allow more time for weekend-only email checker/writers. Cover dates will be Mon.-Sun. instead of Sun.-Sat. Actor Larry Linville dies. Art Bell names his own replacement.
"Mike's Rant" features a good Bruce Springsteen concert review. "Matt's Rail" addresses Larry Linville's obit and possible Beatles reunion. First letter from Steve Beasley.
3.........April 2--8, 2000. "Star Wars, Episode 1: The Phantom Menace" released on VHS. Tampa Public Access under new management. Nolan passes his studio producer's test! Stan Lee's on-line comics, The 7th Portal. First installment of "Mike's Rant"
and "Matt's Rail" in Letters and Commentary.
2.........March 26--April 1, 2000. The 72nd Academy Awards and how close we guessed at the outcomes. As always, a few surprises. Ally McBeal's "Billy" character killed off. Finally rains in Tampa. Art Bell resigns...again. Kids get high on Redi-Whip.
Mike Smith and Matt Drinnenberg take on the final Oscar tally in another great "Letters Column".
1.........March 19--25, 2000. Nolan introduces this "newspaper and magazine in one". Magazine part still under construction. Brief article on Corey Castellano, make-up artist on "The Patriot". Also, announcements on Nolan's super-cheap video movie.
Mike and Matt's Oscar picks in "Letters".
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This page was created by Nolan B. Canova