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PCR #124 (Vol. 3, No. 32) This edition is for the week of August 5--11, 2002.

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Eric and I did our auditions for Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens in Tampa on Friday. At one point during the auditions everyone was separated into groups of ten (Eric and I got separated) and marched out onstage in front of regular Busch Garden visitors, and told to do some audition material based on requests of the judges. I'll gloss through it here..

First, we were told to line-up along the edge of the stage, and imagine that there's a pile of books where we were standing, then, across the stage, we were to imagine a large bookshelf. THEN we were directed to take one book at a time and place it into the shelving in the manner as dictated by the main judge.

Our first motivation was to play the role of criminally-insane dangerous folks doing the task. Ok, so that was a REAL stretch for me...I mean, basically, I pretended that I HAD to do this, and that I had to pay to do this, and that all of my money was going into a N'Sync Retirement fund, and that they were going to play a special free concert in appreciation for our hard efforts. I tell you, I looked FURIOUSLY PISSED while feverently scanning around for the person I could blame for my situation, while stacking the books and growling my frustration!
Casting dates for Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens are as follows:

Friday, August 9 from 5 PM - 10 PM,
Saturday, August 10 from Noon - 8 PM,
Friday, August 16 from 5 PM - 10 PM,
Saturday, August 17 from Noon - 8 PM.

The casting will take place in the Entertainment Department Rehearsal Halls located at 3605 East Bougainvillea Avenue in Tampa, Florida. (Essentially, it's the back door to Busch Gardens.)

There's a security guard there that will point out the entertainment center to anyone who asks.

Don't forget! Email me to let me know you're auditioning BEFORE you go, (assuming you want a shot at a free $50!)

See ya'll there!