LA FLORIDIANA Haunted Pinellas, Part 1 by William Moriaty | ||
THIS WEEK'S MOVIE REVIEW "Waiting" by Mike Smith | ||
THE AUDIO PHILES Punk's Roots, Part 2 by Terence Nuzum | ||
THE DROW Alchemy. In Theory and in Truth. by Dylan Jones | ||
ODDSERVATIONS Goodbye Don Adams & Nipsy Russell....Let's Stick a Fork in Music Videos...."The Fog" is Coming....Terence on Punk....Mike's Challenge by Andy Lalino | ||
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(Please also see Part One of "Punk's Roots" in Audio Philes, PCR #288)
Ramones The Dead Boys Talking Heads
P a r t 2
What can really be said...the Beatles for the punk generation. Heavy metal surf music. Power pop. Whatever. The Ramones were and are the face of punk in th US. Taking their cue from the Dictators lyrics about burgers, girls, horror movies, and sniffin' glue these Pinheads from NYC were mysteriously either dumb as rocks or pure geniuses of irony. To this day we will never know. With their greaser leather jackets, torn jeans, and sneakers they made brick walls fashionable and got the Brits to go anti-establishment. Using basically the same formula for years they remain the perfect punk band. Snotty vocals, crunchy guitars, and furious abandon, their magic has been much imitated but never equaled.
"The Audio Philes" is ©2005 by Terence Nuzum. All graphics (except where otherwise noted) are creations of Nolan B. Canova. All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2005 by Nolan B. Canova.