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La Floridiana by Will Moriaty
   Now in our fifth calendar year
    PCR #197  (Vol. 5, No. 1)  This edition is for the week of January 1--5, 2004.

Will and Karen's Excellent Adventure to South Florida - Part Three
 by Will Moriaty
SPECIAL EDITION -- Aeromarine West Indies Airways
 by Will Moriaty
2003's Best Movies
 by Mike Smith
 by John Lewis
Last Week's Letters....It's The Best We Have....Woo Hoo!....Who's Bad?
 by Mike Smith
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Aeromarine West Indies Airways

Loyal readers may recall my article in Issue 182 which was Part Two of my "History of Aviation in Florida" series. In it I discussed the November 1, 1920 flight of Aeromarine Airways from Meacham Field in Key West to the waterfront in Havana, Cuba. Reader Daniel Kusrow of Staten Island, New York in this week's letter column pointed out that it was indeed Aeromarine West Indies Airways (whose name was later foreshortened to Aeromarine) and not Pan American Airways to be the first airline to offer the first international passenger AND mail flight as a result of that November 1, 1920 flight.

We are indeed honored to share with you the evidence Mr. Kusrow forwarded to me to back his statement up. The first two photos show the front and back of a letter from a W.W. Wilson of Chicago, Illinois to the Nova Scotia Bank, Havana Cuba. Stamped in purple letters on the front of the letter are the words "FIRST TRIP NOV. 1, 1920 U.S.-CUBA AIRMAIL"

In addition, Mr. Kusrow also has photos of the arrival of the Aeromarine aircraft in Havana Harbor, as well as a stunning photo taken in February 1921 of an Aeromarine flying boat on roll out on Biscayne Bay in Miami in front of Henry Flagler's Royal Palm Hotel, and one of five surviving Aeromarine luggage labels printed also in 1921. An excellent web site about the history of Aeromarine can be found by linking to: http://www.timetableimages.com/ttimages/aerom.htm

La Floridiana wishes to liberally thank Mr. Kusrow for his time and generosity in sharing these gems of Florida's aviation history with us. Thanks so much!

A letter from a W.W. Wilson of Chicago, Illinois to the Nova Scotia Bank, Havana Cuba. Stamped in purple letters on the front of the letter are the words "FIRST TRIP NOV. 1, 1920 U.S.-CUBA AIRMAIL"
The back of that same letter proclaiming its stamped receipt in Havana as "Correo Aereo", Spanish for Air Mail.
Aeromarine's flying boat during its historic November 1, 1920 arrival to Havana Harbor.
A close up of the same aircraft with the Morro Castle (Castillo de Los Tres Santos Reyes Magnos del Morro)in the background.
A stunning photo taken in February 1921 of the Aeromarine flying boat "Balboa" on roll out on Biscayne Bay in Miami in front of Henry Flagler's Royal Palm Hotel. The hotel, like the airline itself, is long gone, replaced by high-rise condominiums and office buildings dotting Bayshore Drive in the Coconut Grove area.
One of five surviving Aeromarine luggage labels of tens of thousands printed in 1921. Notice that in addition to service to Florida cities of Miami, Key West and Palm Beach, service was also provided to Tampa, St. Petersburg and Belleair.

"La Floridiana" is ©2004 by William Moriaty.  Webpage design and all graphics herein (except where otherwise noted) are creations of Nolan B. Canova.  All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2004 by Nolan B. Canova.