LETTERS  PCR #199      (January 12--18, 2004)

•  Phil Frank on George Bush and Mars
•  Rick Sousa on the Plant High School reunion
•  Lisa Zubek's recommended website of the week

Letters to the EditorWe welcome your feedback.


George Bush is a man of vision! Actually, all presidents are, they just don't get this popular and powerful long enough to pull off expensive and politically correct or incorrect ideas such as the Mars project. These men are surrounded by information no American dares even talk about, much less knows. He is privy to documentation and scientific research showing the most uncanny evidences in every field of interest to the most powerful (now) nation EVER!

To keep us this way and to bolster this fact, he stands to gain for the U.S. whatever he sees fit for the stabilization of our future economically and militarily. If the closest marketable planet is Mars then, under the favor of this nation for now, Bush will exact it from the cold recesses of space and govern it for our use. Don't be surprised if OIL is the main objective, usurping a whole PLANET for such a purpose would easily payback the trillions spent to justify the research (who else would finance such interest in the first place)? And if the planet has no ENVIRONMENT to pollute, so much the better. And how's anyone going to know just exactly WHAT their doing up there so far from prying eyes?

Many, many options...Just imagine, a whole planet full of raw material and not one soul to complain.

Phil Frank


Hey Mike and Matt!
I'll see you in Clearwater this June! I got the same notice for the 3-in-one Plant High class reunion. (My class was '80) My wife and I are going. We had a blast at the 10th and 20th...I didn't know [the late] Bill Shields, but I knew his brother, Doug, who was in my class. Their family still owns Shields' Roofing on Bay-to-Bay in Tampa. Looking forward to seeing you guys! I hope Marc Bingham, Ben Gregory, John Hooper and Scott Gilbert can make it.

Our old school song:

"'Neath the pines of Palma Ceia, (Yes, lots of pines)
Near the bays' deep blue, (That's questionable, Bayshore stinks at low tide)
Stands our noble Alma Mater,
glorious to view, (you guys should see it now with all the construction and all the portables)
Gather now and lift your voices (wracked from years of dope-smoking)
Lift them to the sky...
Hail, all hail our Alma Mater,
Hail, all hail Plant High....(They didn't call it HIGH school for nothing.)

I'll see you there, Dudes!

Richard Sousa

Ha ha, "they didn't call it HIGH school for nothing"....and what kind of PLANT are we referring to? (har har)---N


I know you don't usually do any web site reviewing, but I happened to stumble upon a site that I just HAD to share with the PCR! This guy is a graphic artist EXTRAORDINAIRE! The whole site is an animated wonder... well ya just have to see it to appreciate it! I know we have many animators and film makers in our midsts who will appreciate this site. http://www.totallytom.com/totallytom_homepage.html

Start at the home page and click around. At the end of the presentation he lists his credits. It's in the "contact" area. He has actually done a lot of stuff that some of your readers will recognize.

-Lisa [Zubek]

Yes, I've seen his "Mad Cow" presentation before, but not the guy's actual stand-up comedy act played out as a Flash animation--very clever.---Nolan

To send an email to Letters to the Editor write to: Crazedfanboy1@aol.com.  Any emails sent to this address will be assumed intended for publication unless you specifically instruct me not to. I can and do respond privately, if that is your preference. Frequently, it's both ways.---Nolan

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