Let me welcome to you to the newest column on Crazedfanboy.com. A
column I like to call "My Middle Toe is Longer Than Yours." Some of
you may know me from the Tampa film community or the rants that I put
from time to time on the message board.
I wanted to start the column off this week talking a little bit about
who I am and what I will be talking about in the up coming months.
Writing for Nolan's site is something I have been thinking about doing
for a long time. I have known Nolan for a few years now. The first
time I actually met Nolan in person was when he came and covered the
shooting of our short film Night Demons in November, 2004.
The reason for wanting to write here is I think in all my years in
Florida this site is one of the only common denominators for film
makers, a great place for everyone to keep in touch, and entertained by
the variety of articles.
As far as who I am? My name is Mark Terry your new party host and the
man you will either love or hate at times.
I grew up playing sports and watching movies. Growing up in the 80s
has certainly warped my mind as far as what's cool over the years.
Looking back at it though I wouldn't change it for anything. Well,
maybe growing up in the 60s would have been cooler, but then again I
wouldn't want to be 47 right now. So I digress.
I am a graduate of St. Leo University with a double major in theater and
writing. Hey Mom I am finally using my writing degree. Getting
involved with the Florida film community at first was a struggle. I
can actually remember sending head shots to Rick Danford for "Web of
Darkness" wishing I could get one line in the movie. Boy have times
changed in 6 years.
Florida is a great place to get your feet wet and start your love for
film making or entertainment. Some of the folks I have met in Florida
through out the years are really talented and love what they are doing.
I started out as an actor doing local indie films and commercials. I
was the Amscot guy for a while believe it or not. Some of the local
indie films were not getting completed to their fullest potential I
felt. And if they did get completed I never saw a copy which by the
way is my biggest pet peeve in the world. So I decided to learn how
to produce films on my own. That's when the local door swung open and
I met the friends I have in Florida now.
After making a somewhat successful micro budget feature my partner, Vito
Trabucco, and I created two gritty short films. The last being
"Night Demons" where I met Nolan in person.
In August, 2004 I officially sold out and drove across the country with
Vito to Hollywood, CA where I have been ever since. It actually
wasn't a bad idea because a week or two before we left 4 hurricanes hit
Getting sick on the Warner Brothers lot (set of Gilmore Girls) |
I joke about selling out but sometimes I wonder and compare Florida vs
Hollywood. People ask me all the time about it too. The easiest
way to explain it is Hollywood film industry is such a business people
take it for granted, but its the best place to build a career in
movies. I just about puked when I worked "Gilmore Girls" and that
little girl on the show, Glory, Rory, or Gorrie or whatever her name
was, took 35 takes to get something right. Florida's high spot is as
I explained it before. The people there wouldn't get into it if they
didn't love it. That's why a lot of actor's I know would drive to
Orlando from Tampa to audition for a movie for free. The bad part is
its very difficult to build a career as an actor. And yes I know you
can make film anywhere, but it sure helps to sell a car working at the
car lot instead of on the phone. Or at least that's how I looked at
it. So it's really a double-edged sword.
In the upcoming weeks I hope to talk about entertainment, politics,
religion, or any other rants I need to get off my chest at the time.
Next week (speaking about loving what you are doing), I am going to do a
write-up on my experience on Rocky 6 and feelings about Sylvester
Stallone over the years. Now, I am not too keen on doing extra work or
non-paying extra work or, to make it even worse, driving 4 hours to Vegas
to do extra work, but dammit, I gotta see this. I said if it ever
happened I would. One of my teachers once told me if you love what
you do eventually money will follow. So here I come Las Vegas and my
25 dollar room at the Lady Luck down town. Hope you enjoy my column
as we are off to the races.
To find out more about Mark Terry and production company Other Side
Cinema please visit the web sites below:
www.nowcasting.com/markterry (Demo reel is courtesy of the very
talented Florida film maker Chris Woods)
"My Middle Toe Is Longer Than Yours" is ©2005 by Mark Terry. Webpage design and all graphics herein (except where otherwise noted) are creations of Nolan B. Canova. All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2005 by Nolan B. Canova.