Even though I'm now...GULP....well into my 40s, I still get a huge kick out of Halloween.
Back in the day, I was pretty good at sniffing out the trifecta of candy (people who did your effort justice). There was this one particular guy in our neighborhood who we always hit up at least twice, at the beginning and end of the ritual. As always you understand eventually you will come upon the guy who reaches into a big bag and pulls out a small, singular Bit-o-Honey. Needless to say, that guy received one of two magnificent gifts: One of toilet paper for future use once he removed it from his trees, or the ever popular "bakers' dozen", prescrambled on their house face for their enjoyment.
Understanding this logic, I decided early on that kids in my neighborhood would know me as the "Mack Daddy" of candy day, meaning simply they each get a heaping handful of goodies. The look on their faces every year is both classic and memorable...wide-eyed and appreciative, and well worth the expense of the candy.
As they come to the door, they're treated with the sounds of whichever classic horror movie I'm watching at the time. For posterity sake, and I'm sure to no one's suprise, the movie must include Bela's Dracula, Boris's Frankenstein monster, or Chaney's Wolfman. Some young tykes ask me what I'm watching with a youthful, "Oh cool, look what's on the TV!!!!" Always willing to improve the culture of the young.
While I use to dress up in full costume, I pretty much just enjoy the kids and their outfits now (not having any kids of my own). Although I must confess this year to buying some really cool realistic fangs to go with my Dracula cape in the closet. As with my age, the price of fangs has escalated as well. What use to be a quarter is now $2.99!! I ask you, is NOTHING sacred?
Till then, take care and God bless,