Here's hoping everyone came out of their New Years celebration unscathed, except for that type of scathing you may enjoy.
Now we look to a new year with new hopes, and new challenges. Both individually, country-wise, and globally.
Let's pray that the insidious stupidity of murdering people because you don't like them ends. I would say that pretty much boils down my hopes to the base.
As you all know by now I am not one to go around the neighborhood tooting my own horn (cough!cough!), so I will spare you all and not tell you how I am the Fantasy Football Super Bowl Champion in not one, but TWO, yes, count 'em...TWO leagues.
No need to tell you that in both of those leagues I was getting spanked to oblivion and beyond at the midway point of the season, only to have a miraculous resurrection that saw me win out, in both leagues, the last 5 weeks of the season making it to both Super Bowls.
Yes, I am the Super Bowl champ of Fantasy Football land, and amazingly I don't feel the need to brag.
Oh, humble me.
As I type this Rail I can see out the window that we are once again experiencing a winter wonderland, regardless of the meteorologists claims that we would have no snow until tomorrow.
Rather nice considering it's been such a bleak winter with nothing but rain, sans the one week of snow we had about a month ago. But like I said, we're not even supposed to have what is now coming down, and we already have about 2 inches. Thanks, Mr.Weatherman.....NOT.
It's a good thing those guys work for free.
Till next time, take care and God bless