When I was a kid, one of my favorite TV shows was a detective comedy called "I SPY", with Robert Culp and Bill Cosby. During this same time I was quite heavy into Mad Magazine, which has a regular feature entitled "SPY VS SPY", which is also quite comedic in nature. But there is nothing to laugh about when it comes to Bush's "SPY ON AMERICA" Program.
How could I laugh at such an arrogant abuse of power; an act that completely eradicates any thought of FREEDOM. For where there is no privacy, there is no freedom. And in my personal opinion, this is nothing short of not only an impeachable offense, but a treasonous act. Not unlike desertion, i.e., not reporting for duty.
Happily, I haven't run into anyone who is happy with this latest afront to everything that is America news, but I sadly must digress that they must certainly exist. Yet I'm delighted to see some Republicans actually act like it and are calling Bush to account. I'd have to wonder, though, if they weren't doing so because of their constituents. At this point I don't really care. I'm just tired of the secrets and lies, and refusals when called to account, and false hopes given, and fiscal insanity, as well as social division and discord due to their campaign of slander and hate. Which to my shame as a patriot of this nation worked. And now the spying......
This does clear some of the confusion in my mind as to how and why Ted Kennedy was on the Homeland Security watchlist some time ago when he was refused permission to board a plane due to the status. Then I wondered "Hmmmmm". No more wonder for me.
Look. Be certain I have no problem with the President, or anybody, spying on terrorists, or those who want to do us harm. In fact I'm all for it, and our own government created the FISA court for that very purpose: expediate searches of dangerous men. Back in the '70s when the Russians were more foe than friend, and the nuke possibility was out there, you couldn't pussyfoot around in the spy game. If you had a lead or probable suspect, you had to move and move fast, or risk serious and damaging consequences. Thus FISA was put in place to make it quick and easy. Heck, the government can even spy on us for 72 hours before FISA reviews a warrant to spy.
In all the years of FISA, only 5 of 17,000 warrants have been refused. And it should be no suprise those 5 come from Bush and his administration, the same place that co-sponsored the "Persons of Interest" crap during the Anthrax scare that practically ruined an innocent man's life. And it's those 5 denials...5...which is why I think Bush is blowing off the FISA court. It negates what I perceive as his dictatorial power. And for him to use an excuse as weak as "use of force" given during the Afghanistan invasion to spy on innocent Americans??????? He's done nothing to show me he's not the sham and fake I've taken him for these past few years.
I'm almost certain there is much more to come in all of this spy business. With politicians thinking of their futures more than their lame duck President, we might actually get some truth instead of propaganda out of Washington!!! And justice.
Wow. What a concept.
Well, I guess you've guessed by now that my Christmas dream wasn't realized. Boo Hoo. No FM #3 under the ol' Christmas tree. Can't complain, though, as wifey more than made up for it with an AWESOME new mic set by MXL (1 for vocals/1 for acoustic guitar), a slew of DVDs; pretty much every one I asked for, a new winter coat and a Logitech X530 home theater set-up. Oh yeah.
Also picked up a Christmas bonus, which was a... bonus.
As I head into the new year, I reflect on one of the greatest years of my life, and that's saying something considering my political disgust. Got to hook up with Mike for JawsFest and meet some of the principles of the movie. Was also the springboard for my demo, as a gathering crowd on a Martha's Vineyard night got Mike and I busy. And because of Mike, for the first time ever, someone of note actually heard my music in Paul Williams, and liked it. Quite encourageing.
But even more than that, just to know that a dream that had only been a dream has finally taken flight and is now a work in progress...it's almost too much. For years the responsibilities of life just kept getting in the way. Nolan would call them "excuses", and I love him for that. Because I think he's really just trying to make sure I really do take the shot.
You just never know what life will bring. If you'd asked me this time last year if I thought ANY of this would have happened I'd've probably laughed in your face. That being the case, who knows what will have happened by this time next year. Maybe nothing, and that's fine too. It's just so incredible to actually be pursuing my dream.
For those of you out there, and you know who you are, who are like I used to be; a non-pursuer of dreams, I beg you to take flight, and don't allow the oppression of life's shackles to bind you. Make that move. Take that chance. And live the dream. You'll be amazed how gratifying just trying can be.
And maybe this time next year, you, too, will have something to really be pumped about. I hope you do.
Happy New Year, everybody, and PLEASE be careful this weekend.
And here's to a rocking 2006.
God Bless,