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PCR #217. (Vol. 5, No. 21) This edition is for the week of May 17--23.
Mike's RantMike's Bust
Hello gang! Hope you are slow readers because I'm typing this with one hand. This morning a woman decided to turn in front of my oncoming car. Needless to say, one totaled Honda and a broken left arm later, I'm doing my best. I'll be shopping for a new car tomorrow. Feel free to email any suggestions. Shall we begin?

Florida’s Commuter Airlines from the 1960s to the 1980s: Part Four
 by Will Moriaty
"Shrek 2"
 by Mike Smith
Flo-HORROR-da....Tony Randall and Alan King
 by Andy Lalino
Dumbsfeld’s New Camera....Single Sex Marriage....The Liberal Media....Scream 13, The Election Horror
 by Vinnie Blesi
More On Moore....Passing On....Meet The Beatles, Part 17
 by Mike Smith
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After an unprecedented 15-minute standing ovation at its conclusion, Michael Moore's latest, "Fahrenheit 9/11" is being viewed as the front runner for the Palme D'or at the Cannes Film Festival. Two years ago, the jury at Cannes voted a special prize for Moore's "Bowling For Columbine."

I had intended to comment on the passing of Alan King and Olive Osmond, matriarch of the Osmond family, but one good hand and a throbbing arm is limiting my output. I could not, however, put off remembering Tony Randall, who passed away this week at the age of 84 after a lengthy illness.

Born Leonard Rosenberg on February 26, 1920, Randall began his show business career on radio after graduating from college. He first gained national attention when he appeared on the popular television show, "Mr. Peepers," starting in 1952. After a series of small film roles, he found his niche as the fussy best friend in a series of popular comedies starring Rock Hudson and Doris Day ("Pillow Talk," "Lover Come Back" and "Send Me No Flowers") It is well theorized that the studios wanted Randall to act effeminent to make the closeted Hudson appear more manly. Randall appeared in several films in the 1960's, including a tour de force performance in "The Seven Faces Of Dr Lao," where he played seven different characters. But it was in the 1970 television series "The Odd Couple," where Randall portrayed finicky roommate Felix Unger, that he found stardom. Often nominated, he won an Emmy shortly after the show was canceled. In 1981, he starred as Sidney Shorr in a television movie, later picked up as the series, "Love Sidney." Shorr is thought to be the first openly gay character to appear on network television. His final film appearance was in last year's "Down With Love," a take off of his popular 60's comedies, featuring David Hyde Pierce in a role Randall would have played 40 years earlier. In 1991, he founded the National Actor's Theatre in New York City. I had the extreme privilege of seeing Mr. Randall on Broadway, along with George C. Scott and Charles Durning, in "Inherit the Wind." He was also a frequent guest on ""Late Night With David Letterman." He is survived by his second wife and two young children. His first wife passed away after 50 years of marriage.

May 18, 1963 - First night of the boy's third nationwide package tour finds the opening for headliner Roy Orbison. However, due to audience acclaim, soon Orbison finds himself following Gerry and the Pacemakers and introducing the Beatles.

Well, all for now. I apologize for the briefness. I'll make it up to you, I promise. See ya!

I think I can confidently speak for the whole PCR staff when I say, GET WELL SOON, Mike!! Ha ha. What kind of freaking maniacs are on the road up there? I thought we had them all down here! Glad you weren't hurt any worse. And, of course, it goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) like myself, you'd have to be in body bag before a little thing like a life-threatening traffic accident stopped a column from going out, eh? Your sterling record is secure. Now then, about your next car...would a HUMMER with you behind the wheel be a terrifying enough sight to discourage would-be Honda smashers? ---Nolan

"Mike's Rant" is ©2004 by Michael A. Smith. Webpage design and all graphics herein are creations of Nolan B. Canova. All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2004 by Nolan B. Canova.