The Top 10 Things That Pissed Me Off In 2005
1. Katrina - F.E.M.A. means Forget Ever Meeting Any of us.
2. Tom Cruise - It’s nice to see that Hollywood still fosters an environment for the mentally challenged.
3. President Bush - Can any of you say, “Lame Duck”?
4. Intelligent Design - Just call it Creationism and stop playing games. If the Evangelicals keep this up, they’ll be the laughing stock of religious groups. Even more so than the Scientologists.
5. Hollywood - Please stop making crappy films. Take a cue from the independents. Notice how they’re getting all the Oscar buzz. Follow that formula and you may see revenues increase.
6. Tom Delay - Like G.W. a prime example of why Texas should have been allowed to be its own country a long time ago.
7. Catholicism - Let me get this straight, you pick a German who used to be in the Hitler Youth over an Irishman. What were you afraid of? That the Irish Pope would have turned the holy sacrament from wine to Guinness?
8. Citizens of the United States - It’s nice to see you start caring for each other again. Too bad it took a natural disaster of Biblical proportions to do it.
9. Oil Companies - I thought Enron was bad. Jesus Christ almighty!
10. Gay Marriage Bans - If you don’t like the idea of gay marriage so much then don’t marry a gay person. Gay people have the right to lose half their stuff when they get divorced just like straight people do.
On a lighter note, I want to thank Nolan for allowing to write for this website again. I hope all of you have a Happy New Year.
Nicholas Rex
"Nicholas Rex" is ©2005 by Nicholas King. All graphics, unless otherwise noted, are creations of Nolan B. Canova. All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2005 by Nolan B. Canova.