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PCR #304. (Vol. 7, No. 3) This edition is for the week of January 16--22, 2006.
Matt's Rail

"Match Point"  by Mike Smith
Kong vs Kong vs Kong  by Mark Terry
Hell is War, War is Heaven...  Dylan Jones
I'm a Rondo Nominee!!!..MOH Updates....Birthday Wishes....Peter Jackson's King Kong  by Matt Drinnenberg
But First....What 'Choo Talkin' 'Bout, Ray?...Award Time....Did You Hear That Pin Drop?....Please Grow Up!...One More....Passing On....See Ya!...My Favorite Films--Chapter 3  by Mike Smith
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Much to my incredible suprise and even greater delight, I discovered last night that my website, Masters of Horror, has been nominated for a Rondo Award. Category: Best Website of 2005.

To say I'm blown away by this is the ultimate understatement. Being gaga over classic monsters like I am is pretty much the fuel that fired up the MOH train rolling down the track, and the possibiliy of ever really being recognized for it was so far in the rear view mirror that it was never even an afterthought. As I'm sure PCR is with Nolan, MOH is a gigantic labor of love that I get tremendous joy out of.

And even though I have no illusions about winning next to competition like KongisKing.net, I'm literally blushed with thanks to the CHFB group that sponsors these awards.

Be sure you head over to www.rondoaward.com and cast your vote for the best in classic horror 2005. Even if you don't vote for me. :-)

Yes. More updates at the Masters of Horror, with every rundown in the Universal Monster Classics link reformatted and, in many cases, rewritten. New poster updates coming for the Frankenstein section this weekend. As well as new jigsaw puzzles.

Yes. Spring comes early in MOH land.

I would be grossly remiss if I didn't send out birthday wishes to the best bassist I ever had the good luck to share a stage with. And one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet in Scott Van Sickle. Happy Birthday bro'.

Finally got to see this movie after much ballyhoo from me before its release.

It is great to be able to say it was all I'd hoped for, in that it was very kind to the original. I felt it had just enough semblance and originality to keep me intrigued, and the effects were first-rate. Was not happy when I heard Jack Black was cast because I just couldn't see him as Carl Denham. But boy was I wrong. He was sensational, and I'm not saying that lightly. Hey, anyone who can quote lines from the original and make them sound fresh is doing an excellent job. Heck, I think he could be nominated for this.

Spoiler Alert: As with all movies, there are favorite parts, and as I'm sure is true with most who revel in gross-out stuff; one of mine is the Spider Pit scene. Especially when that guy's head gets sucked off. I always love when something takes me completely by surprise, and the gross factor on that was superb. Also, taken with the scene of Kong sliding on the ice and laughing, which I felt was the perfect setup for what Kong was about to endure.

I really can't wait to get this bad boy on DVD with what I hope will be an extended version. Even with the long running-time, I found that the time just flew by and Kong was atop the Empire State Building before I knew it. But boy, what a ride to get there.

So happy I can say the Kong remake doesn't suck, which is what I've been stuck with for 30 years. Thank you, Peter Jackson.

Till next time, take care and God bless,

"Matt's Rail" is ©2006 by Matthew Drinnenberg. Webpage design and all graphics herein are creations of Nolan B. Canova. All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2006 by Nolan B. Canova.