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PCR # 304  (Vol. 7, No. 3)  This edition is for the week of January 16--22, 2006.

This Week's PCR
Movie Review
"Match Point"

Movie review by:
Michael A. Smith
Three and a half stars

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Starring: Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Matthew Goode, Brian Cox and Scarlett Johansson
Directed by: Woody Allen
Rated: R
Running Time: 2 hours 4 mins

If you had to choose between love or money, which would you choose? Sure, it's nice to be in love. But it's also nice to have money. Sadly, like the Beatles once sang, "money can't buy you love." So, which do you choose? That is the question posed by "Match Point."

Chris (Meyers) is a former professional tennis player who has been hired as a teacher at a posh club in England. There he meets Tom (Goode), who shares with Chris a desire to play tennis and a love for opera. Accepting an invitation to accompany Tom to the opera, Chris is introduced to Tom's sister, Eleanor (Penelope Wilton) as well as his fiance', Nola (Johansson). While a romance blooms between Chris and Eleanor, Chris secretly lusts for Nola, who doesn't discourage Chris' advances. One thing leads to another and Chris and Nola begin an affair, one which lasts even after Chris is married and Tom has dumped Nola. Which takes us to question I posed. Well? Which is it?

If you pay attention to the box at the top of the page, you have to be saying to yourself, "wait a minute. This is a Woody Allen film?" Yes it is, and it takes Allen to places he has never been on film, literally. Instead of his beloved New York City, the film takes place in England. Instead of a nebbishy leading man, Meyers is confident. And instead of the witty one liner, Allen's script is as tight a thriller as you will find. Though it may remind long time Allen fans of his excellent "Crimes and Misdemeanors," the film leaves any connection behind quickly. The cast, as in all of Allen's films, is outstanding. There is a line of actors that want to work with Allen that stretches from New York City to Los Angeles. Meyers, who just won a Golden Globe for his portrayal of the King of Rock and Roll in the television film, "Elvis," does the impossible in making the audience care for his cad of a man and Johansson adds another great performance to her rapidly growing resume. That she just turned 21 this past November is hard to believe looking at her body of work so far. But the main reason to see this film is the return of the director Bill Murray used to fondly refer to as "The Woodman." This is Allen at his best. And with three Oscars at home already, and seventeen other nominations, that is saying a lot. It's obviously the English weather agreed with Allen, as he and Johansson just completed another film set in the U.K. entitled "Scoop." I can't wait.

On a scale of zero to four stars, I give "Match Point"  Three and a half stars

This week's movie review of "Match Point" is ©2006 by Michael A. Smith.  All graphics this page are creations of Nolan B. Canova, ©2005, all rights reserved. All contents of "Nolan's Pop Culture Review" are ©2006 by Nolan B. Canova.