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Nolan's Pop Culture ReviewWhy I'm Leaving Crazed Fanboy
POSTED BY NOLAN B. CANOVA, August 12, 2011    Share

To All The Faithful Readers of Nolan's Pop Culture Review (aka, the "PCR") on CrazedFanboy.com,

It is with mixed feelings that I bring you the news that I am leaving Crazed Fanboy by the end of the year. Yes, I'm quitting my own website, but the site itself will live on. My successor as Publisher and Editor-in-Chief will be Terence Nuzum.

This year, a perfect storm of poor health, bitter perspective, precarious finances, and a need to shift artistically (while I'm still able to do so) has created a personal and emotional crisis compromising my ability to lead our talented group of writers into the future. Lately, especially, it seems, that what few articles I've started to write for PCR, but have not yet published, wound up being rather depressing or down-beat. And I know why.

Let me emphasize here that my decision to leave has nothing to do with the quality of our product--all the writers have done an outstanding job with their columns, and I spare no opportunity to say so publicly. This also has nothing to do with any of our detractors, all of whom gave up trying to take us down ages ago. This has to do solely with me. To elaborate...

1. I am finding less and less to comment on favorably about current American pop culture. Too little to properly sustain Nolan's Pop Culture Review. Either I'm getting older (likely) or as some of my stalwart staff insists, everything IS shit now. The debate continues. I still find movies and TV I like, don't get me wrong, but it's much rarer. I've had my fill of studios throwing together the latest teen hearthrobs or magazine cover idols I don't care about and plunging them into pointless drivel in THREEEE-DEEEE.

That said, my despair can be temporarily numbed by surrendering to retro-TV channels which I'm developing a whole new appreciation for. I could write retro reviews, of course, but websites by the hundreds are already doing that. My "beat" was supposed to be the new and current and the under-covered, which brings me to...

1b: On a local level, the things I was enthusiastic about covering that were under-covered elsewhere (local indie film, art and music), now have more than adequate coverage through Facebook, WordPress, YouTube and the like, NONE of which existed when I started Crazed Fanboy.

Moving on...

2. Being the constantly-embattled editor of PCR/Crazed Fanboy has taken a toll on me that I was too slow to realize. I am fed up with the drama that has overtaken the benefits I once enjoyed.

3. Crazed Fanboy was not created for profit and was always a labor of love. But there were a couple of years where surprisingly vigorous ad banner and video sales made the endeavor tantalizingly close to a full-time job. Since the Recession hit, that dream is over. What little money I make at my odious "day job" must now go toward survival.

4. My physical condition has deteriorated to the point that I must severely limit extracurricular activities.

If any ONE of these conditions were different, I probably wouldn't be writing this article.

And yes, I realize the supreme irony in making my own tombstone at year's end for the annual "Graveyard of Fallen Columns".

Some may wonder why I don't just shut the website down altogether. I won't because I feel it would be an indefensible disservice to all the writers whose hard work and supportive efforts helped build this site to simply let it go dark.

To temper the obvious fear of new management, Terence is NOT planning on any changes to the staff or format -- it will still be a balance of retro-themed pieces (consistently the most seductive and popular with the public) with the current and new, at which he will be a much better judge than I. Of course, our current writer set-up is already a great balance.

Terence is brimming with some exciting ideas on expansion and promotion, which should help increase readership as well as combat increasing competition by keeping us unique and proprietary. Terence's youth, energy, and vision will be a great asset at keeping Crazed Fanboy visible and vibrant. Equally as important, he has been right there beside me from nearly the beginning and knows -- and shares -- our mission goals.

He will literally own the website, domain name and all, in time. It is my hope you will show him the respect and cooperation you have shown me over the years.

The existing Archives will remain in place as is. However, starting with 2012's edition, the Archives will no longer be under the auspices of Nolan's Pop Culture Review. Current and future columnists will be writing for Crazed Fanboy. After 2011, my only connection to the website will be a homepage reference as "Founder and Editor Emeritus" and occasional tech-support. Maybe a video appearance or two.

Many adjunct parts of the site will be closing after October such as The Creature Feature Store, the Amazon account, and the CFB P.O. Box. The Message Board has already been de-activated (but Archived). Otherwise, it will be the same Crazed Fanboy website you've all come to know, just with a slightly altered infrastructure.

Together, we've all had a GREAT run of over eleven years and have produced a tremendous body of amazing work of which we can all be proud. We've made a positive impact on many lives and I am honored at the feedback I continually get from the public about our work. Of course I will miss all this! How could I not? But I have to think about the big picture and what's best for the site...and for me.

Hopefully, I'll still be able to see you all at a local comic convention or something.

It's been a great ride. Thank you all for your support.

Love and best,
Nolan B. Canova

"Nolan's Pop Culture Review" is ©2011 by Nolan B. Canova. All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2011 by Nolan B. Canova.

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