"Cop Killers" (1973)
      [Posted by: John Miller, October 16, 2009, 8:18 am ]

Three and a Half Stars

Starring: Jason Williams, Bill Osco
Directed by: Walter R. Cichy
Running Time: 93 mins

Synopsis: Hippies on the lam go on a killing spree.

John Miller
"Don't ever put your hands on me again. Look man, I was just trying to relax. I'll keep my hands off the young virgin. Now if she comes on to me, that's another story".

The title of this film alone is enough to peak my interest. Not so much that I dislike cops, though I do occasionally find them useless, it's just that any film bold enough to sell itself under the title of "Cop Killers" has to be good. How could it not be?

Cop Killers tells the story of two low life hippies who's lives take a turn for the worse when a police road block prevents them from smuggling cocaine out of the desert. After a violent shoot out with the cops hippie drug dealers Alex and Ray hit the open Arizona road on a mission to sell their product to an even bigger drug dealer and escape out of the country as wealthy men.

From the perspective of a die-hard fan who lives and breathes for these types of movies, Cop Killers does not disappoint. This is the kind of film that forces people to take a shower after viewing, imagine a Sergio Leone western that's been nuked in a microwave and remixed by hippies.

Although not gory in abundance genre fans will walk away satisfied, if for no other reason then the f/x were handled by none other then Rick Baker. If gore is not enough, then the T & A, foul language, drug abuse, stolen ice-cream trucks and awesome folksy theme song that plays throughout will no doubt be enough to leave the whistles of fanboys wettend.

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