For those of you in Florida, basking in the fun and sun of the 70 degrees and higher ilk, I'd like you to think of of the shaking in my shoes, bone chilling, shovel and sweat ilk, in temps like the current 6 degrees, with a wind chill of -6.
Sounds fun, huh?
Oh sure, it would be great being able to walk outside in Bermuda shorts and a tank top right at the end of winter, but what does that get you, really?! Mosquito's, Fly's, and lest we forget my personal chagrine....Knats, that seem to always find someones face to fly in (much like politicians today!)
Yes, it is beautiful, this arctic wonderland of love. Especially when the view generates from inside the house, with the fire place roaring. Colder than a witches tit outside.....tropicana nation inside. Minus the Knats, of course.
First rain in months hit yesterday which saw the now massive snow level drop some. Word comes today more snow is forecast for Wednesday and Friday. Oh happy day. At least for I'll be in NY all week, leaving the shoveling duties to the wifey......maybe.
Yes, I'm on my way to NYC, where I'll be for the entirety of the week. Hopefully I can be lucky enough to pay 20 bucs to see a movie! I think that's what they run now.
This will be my 3rd trip to the City since the Twin Towers attack, and the usual apprehension is there, although I refuse to allow ignorant, stupid people to dictate my life, so I'm going anyway.
Here on the cusp of Bush sounding like the Dictator he's always wanted to be, laughing in the face of the world for his own selfish ambition, I guess I should have some concern. But knowing he's still hard and heavy for Bin Laden makes me feel safer. .....Bin Laden??? You know him....he's the guy who spearheaded the attack on WTC, the guy who financed the terrorists and paid for their training to pull it off,.....the guy Bush no longer gives a crap about!?!?!
Oh well, if our ignorance again allows something tragic to happen just remember this: It was ignorance the first was Governmental Ignoring that allowed the attack to happen.
Hey....I'm feeling safer already!
Till next time, take care and God bless,