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PCR #129. (Vol. 3, No. 37) This edition is for the week of September 9--15, 2002.
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For the first time.....EVER..... Major League Baseball's owners and players actually came to an agreement on a Labor Contract that didn't have repurcusions by way of lost games. Because they beat the players strike thread deadline, the season continues without a hitch! That's the good news.

The bad news is that you get to go thru this all over again in four years. I say you because, as I've stated before, I really don't care about professional baseball anymore.

Last year, you may recall, Mike and I went mano y mano in a fantasy football duel that, ahem....I won rather convincingly, thank you very much.

This year, Mike and I are in an actual FF league, where we are facing off against 6 other "owners" or players. The season starts this weekend (Actually, last weekend. The Rail arrived just after last week's PCR "closed".--N) and, wouldn't you know it, Mike and I play each other. I want Mike and everyone to rest assured that, should I win, I will be bodacious and arrogant in typical bad winner style that you've all come to expect from me.

Should Mike win, then, naturally, I'll accept defeat graciously. (Mike does comment in this week's "Rant".---N)

Just a little news for those with chronic FM-itis...That is that the Filmland Classics site (formerly Famous Monsters of Filmland site) appears to be abandonned.

The links on the home page send you to a URL not found screen. You can still access the other pages, but you have to kind of back door your way in.

The last update was July 15 and the promised return of FM in Summer of 2002 is now dangerously close to being an unrealized hope.

Had FM returned, it would have been under new ownership, although Ray Ferry was reporting he was being retained as editor. I checked the trademark ownership and copyright and discovered that both were just renewed in August, so it's possible the Return of FM could still come to fruition.

I've sent a letter to Filmland Classics pretty much laying down what I just told you, asking them for a solid date of release for FM, but haven't gotten a reply. They've returned a few of my emails in the past but so far ..... nothing.

As soon as I know something solid, or hear of a new tidbit of info, I'll pass it on.

Till next time take care and God bless,

"Matt's Rail" is ©2002 by Matthew Drinnenberg. Webpage design and all graphics herein are creations of Nolan B. Canova. All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2002 by Nolan B. Canova.