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PCR #263  (Vol. 6, No. 14)  This edition is for the week of April 4--10, 2005.

"William Moriaty's Florida" Near Completion
 by William Moriaty
 by Mike Smith
My First UFO....Long Time Radio Show Favorites Return After 20 Years!
 by Vinnie Blesi
Sin City....Countdown to Infinite Crisis
 by John Lewis
Go Ahead Wal-Mart, Make My Day....My UFO Story
 by Matt Drinnenberg
The Pope....Movie Notes....Next Week....Jaws: The Story, Part 13
 by Mike Smith
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Creature's Corner

Hello Everyone:
Things were kind of gloomy around the "Castle" last week as nearly everyone was sick. It was more than just a bug going around; it was more like a herd of T-Rex coming through. Wednesday night (my normal night for working on the Corner) was marred by a trip to the emergency room. This time it wasn't for me (though I was still feeling crappy), it was for Ashley. Her asthma was acting up so bad that she couldn't keep it in control so off we went. It took four hours before they saw her. Finally she got treatment and was home within a couple hours. She almost never has problems but for some reason it kicked into high gear last week. Hell, I was sick with a flu/asthma combo for five days last week. It was no picnic I assure you. So here goes with this week's offering.

Sin City
Coming in at # 1 this week with $29.1 million, "SIN CITY" did not disappoint its fans. I'll tell you what, they really did a superb job of blending the fantasy land of "Sin City" with live action. Any fan of the Frank Miller comic series would be proud of this one. It plays out exactly like the source material, something many comic movie fail to achieve. I guess there is something to be said for sharing the director's duties with the creator of the series. The cinematography was excellent, the acting superb. The special effects and strategically added color gave the movie the exact look of the comic stories. The action is superb and, if you're a lover of violence, this one's got it.

One of the things that wows the viewer during the film is the plethora of great actors who populate the Noirish town of "Sin City." Here goes: Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba (need I say more), Powers Booth, Elijah Wood, Rutger Hauer, Jamie King, Benicio del Toro, Michael Clark Duncan, Brittany Murphy, Rosario Dawson, Josh Hartnett and...Frank Miller himself as The Priest. A tip of the hat to Miller and Rodriguez (well, and Tarantino) for a job well done. This movie is one of the best so far this year. Go out and see it folks, I think you'll really like it. This movie receives a full "Four Screams" on the Creature Scale.

Countdown to Infinite Crisis
Next up, get ready folks the "countdown" has begun. Last week saw the release of the DC Comics one shot "Countdown to Infinite Crisis." This eighty-page giant for a mere buck is the beginning of another epic event for the folks at DC. Fans have been eagerly awaiting this book which sports a phenomenal cover by Jim Lee and Alex Ross. In fact, they were so eager for it that the book was a complete sellout from the publisher by the second day. A second printing is being planned already. The art is great, the story tight (it took a small army of creators to pull this one off) and in the end one of DC's long running characters lies dead.

Who? Go out and pick this one up and find out for yourself. This one is poised for greatness, check it out. Better get it quick as this will surely be a sellout from the stores in a short time.

That's all for this week folks. Have a Great Weekend!

The "Creature"  The Creature from Clearwater

"Creature's Corner" is ©2005 by John Lewis.  Webpage design and all graphics herein are creations of Nolan B. Canova.  All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2005 by Nolan B. Canova.