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PCR #267  (Vol. 6, No. 18)  This edition is for the week of May 2--8, 2005.

Charlie Carlson's "Weird Florida" Unleashed! Book Signing Party
 by William Moriaty
"House of Wax"
 by Mike Smith
Special Preview:
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith  by Mike Smith
Heading South....The Devil Rays....Infinite Crisis....Free Comic Book Day
 by John Lewis
Hold The Pickle, Hold The Lettuce....Straight Up....Jaws: The Story, Part 17
 by Mike Smith
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Creature's Corner

Greetings to all:
I took a break from the "Castle" last week to head south for some good old R&R. Don't worry about the "Castle" though because I left the ectoplasmics in charge (and who knows what kind of trouble they'll start).

I went down south to re-examine the colonies of exotic animals that we found on our prior trips last year and the year before. The areas were still intact, the animals healthy as ever. I am happy to report that it appeared the hurricanes had little effect on them. More on that trip next week.

The Devil Rays
Back to the real world; How about The Devil Rays coming up winners in a four game series against the New York Yankees. The Devil Rays took the series 3 wins to the Yankees single win. The Rays beat the Yankees on occasion but rarely do they come out on top in a multiple game series. I got to see the last game and saw some key plays made by the Rays that solidified the win. Way to go guys. We're proud of you.

I guess the curse that afflicted the Yankees during the World Series Last year hasn't completely worn off yet. In fact, the Yankees are starting out the season rather poorly being tied in last place with the Rays. We'll see if they can pull out a winning season. The year is young.

Sorry, I just thought the Rays beating the Yankees was interesting.

Infinite Crisis
Anyway, the countdown to Infinite Crisis continues. We've already seen Countdown, Day of Vengeance, and the "Omac Project. This week we are being treated to another piece of the ever growing Infinite Crisis puzzle. Wednesday saw the release of (insert drum roll please) "Villains United." This six issue sries is being created by; Writer Gail Simone, artist Dale Eaglesham, and inker Wade von Grawbadger. (hey, a badger and an eagle created this. How cool is that.) Looks like DC has another winner on their hands. With so many Villains gathered together by Lex Luthor how can they lose.

The book has a good visual style to it with superb coloring by Sno-Cone. (honest, I don't make this stuff up!). This one is a sell-out right from the Publisher so don't delay; go out and get a copy today.

Just a fair warning; the next offering from DC will be the big one that lots of people are waiting for: The Rann-Thanagar War. This one promises to be a hot one and is sold out from the publisher even before it is being released. Get your copy early. You have been warned.

Free Comic Book Day
Lastly I want to remind everybody that this Saturday (May 7) is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get on down to your local comic dealer and get some free books. (A little reminder; they won't mind if you buy any while you are there.) All the major companies (and several smaller companies) will be represented. The offering from Archie Comics Betty and Veronica is re-introducing Katy Keene to the comics scene. There's something for everyone so come on out and participate.

Have a Great Weekend!!!

The "Creature"  The Creature from Clearwater

"Creature's Corner" is ©2005 by John Lewis.  Webpage design and all graphics herein are creations of Nolan B. Canova.  All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2005 by Nolan B. Canova.