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PCR #292  (Vol. 6, No. 43)  This edition is for the week of October 24--30, 2005.

Florida's Witch Town?
 by Will Moriaty
"The Legend of Zorro"
 by Mike Smith
Post Industrial Carnival....Mobile Performance Group....Cob: More Than Just Something With Corn On It
 by Vinnie Blesi
Frank Zappa
 by Terence Nuzum
The Sandman, AKA, One of the Best Graphic Novels Ever Written!
 by Dylan Jones
ScreamFest '05
 by John Lewis
Happy Halloween....The Birthday Boy....Masters of Horror Invite
 by Matt Drinnenberg
The Best of Times....This Week's Issue....Happy Birthday....Another Top 10 Challenge....2,000 Americans Killed In Iraq....Like Rap Music....No Wonder I Can't Sit Down....Put It On The Board--Yes!...Passing On....You Never Give Me Your Money....We're Number Three....Jaws: The Story, Part 39  by Mike Smith
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Creature's Corner

Hello Every Body (including the ones that just won't stay down):
Halloween is almost here and the bats in the West Tower of "The Castle" are just itchin' to get out there and flit around the night sky searching for insect to eat and people to scare. Doc, the Prof, Gorblie, and Scary are trying to separate the good bats from those pesky Shape-Shifters (if you know what I mean) that are just plain nasty.

ScreamFest '05
Anyway, We've got a Gondola full of news for you as we make our way out of the tunnels under these walls and down the Necros River in the full moon. First off, Last weekend I left my humble abode and headed south to spend the weekend at SCREAMFEST 2005!!! It felt good to get away from all the lunacy that I call my life. Ashley, Shaggy and I went down and met up with the Prof for a horrific weekend of fun (scares galore, lots of goodies available in exchange for our hard earned cash, and lots of cool people to meet) in sunny South Florida. We got there Friday night and just hung out talking to those who arrived early to get more from their weekend. The band room was in full swing as the sounds of madness and mayhem courtesy of Dead Puppets band and Sister Kill Cycle.

On Saturday morning I got up early to check things out. There were some people milling around and dealers rushing in and out of the dealers room. The excitement was building quickly. Soon the gates would be opened and we would be unleashed into the land of retail madness. The same room was also being used by the guests as well. All in one location which is a much better setup than the two separate building of the last two years.

At 11:00 the con offically opened and like the living dead being released the convention attendees descended on both the dealers and the guests. There were DVD's, comics, action figures, t-shirts, posters, and lots of other memorabilia from the movies that we all know and love. On the other side of the room the people we all admire from these movies were gathered to greet their many fans. Corey Feldman, Linda Blair, Tom Savini, Sid Haig (a really great guy in real life), Ricou Browning (everyone's favorite Creature from The Black Lagoon), Michael Berryman (The Hills Have Eyes), Scream Queen Linnea Quigley, Irwin Keyes, and a ghost of others. All in all a great bunch of actors were on hand. The day rifled by like a bullet and before I knew it...bang, it was over. Even though the show was over for the day the festivities continued well into the night as more ghoulish bands performed on night number two including Psycho Charger, Freak 13, and Spectremen. There was even a midnite showing of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" complete with a cast and everything. Hundreds of people were in attendance.

On Sunday we went through all of it again. I met local actress Mckae Dietrich and we talked for a while. She is very pretty, very friendly, and very serious about her acting career. She has a good attitude towards the business and I wish her the best. At 5:00 we left the show and made our journey home again to the real world. We will go again next year and if any of you have never been to a convention you should go. It really is lots of fun so, get out there.

Oh...by the way, we had a tough time getting back through the everglades with all the GIANT pythons and ANACONDAS trying to hold us back. They're all over the place hiding in the Melaleuca Trees, Primrose Willows, Mighty Oaks, the water, and...oh I'm just kidding.

Have a Great Week everyone. The witching hour is here and I wanna catch the next broom out. C-ya in seven. Oi!!!

The "Creature"  The Creature from Clearwater

"Creature's Corner" is ©2005 by John Lewis.  Webpage design and all graphics herein are creations of Nolan B. Canova.  All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2005 by Nolan B. Canova.