LA FLORIDIANA The History of Miami International Airport -- Part Two by Will Moriaty | |
THIS WEEK'S MOVIE REVIEW "Munich" by Mike Smith | |
DEADGUY'S DEMENTIA Trials of a Mother by Mike "Deadguy" Scott | |
COUCH POTATO CONFESSIONS 2005 Did Not Really Exist by Vinnie Blesi | |
MY MIDDLE TOE In Search of Christmas by Mark Terry | |
THE DROW The Point of Existence by Dylan Jones | |
SPLASH PAGE True Christmas Spirit....Man of the Year....Biggest Surprise of the Year....Bigget Disappointment of the Year....I like Superman?...300? by Brandon Jones | |
CREATURE'S CORNER Christmas Greetings....The Chronicles of Narnia by John Lewis | |
MATT'S RAIL Issue 300....Freedom of Holiday Choice....Christmas Time by Matt Drinnenberg | |
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Hey Gang: The Chronicles of Narnia Going back to the movie; the story is great, the kids were phenomonal in their roles, Tilda Swinton was just as evil as she could be, and Aslan could not have picked a better voice as his own, Liam Neeson. The special effects were great and the Minotaurs and Centaurs were phenomonal. I really liked this movie and give it a full Four Screams on the Creature Scale.
Everyone have a great and safe Christmas and I'll see you in seven when I take on the King (Kong that is). C-Ya!!!
The "Creature"
Boy, X-mas is just around the corner and those at the castle are sprucing the place up in time for the holidays. Inlaws, Outlaws, guys and ghouls, seers and sayers will be there for the festivities. I'm sure Doc and Gorblie have a big blast planned (JUST DON'T BLOW UP THE EAST WALL THIS TIME!). A fun time should be had by all.
The other day I went to the movie with Zombie Dave to see "The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe." I have to say I was very impressed. Yeah, I'd heard all the rumors about how slow the movie starts out before building into a major all-out war but I found myself caught up in the story early on and thoroughly enjoyed it. As long as C. S. Lewis' books have been around and in circulation it's amazing how many have never heard of him. Tolkien, on the other hand has been around for the same amount of time but his popularity parade started in the mid sixties making his works very familiar to the public at large.
"Creature's Corner" is ©2005 by John Lewis. Webpage design and all graphics herein are creations of Nolan B. Canova. All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2005 by Nolan B. Canova.