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PCR #158. (Vol. 4, No. 14) This edition is for the week of March 31--April 6, 2003.
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Well, it looks like "truth's savior", our good friend Geraldo Rivera, is keeping up with his rebel image. Too bad it's effects could have had dire consequesnces in regards to the lives of our brave fighting men and women overseas.

It seems our hero decided to show the Iraqis, via television, exactly where we were, and how we were planning our next attack. General Geraldo accomplished this feat in sandbox fashion, by drawing it all out in the sand for the entire world to see.

What a complete and utter idiot. This lone stupid act of arrogance is paramount to treason in my book. I do believe that's what it's called when someone purposely places the soldiers of the army defending your nation in harm's way? Is that not what he did in its truest essence?

I don't for a second believe he had the malice intention of placing our troops in a deadly situation, but I also don't think for a second he thought. Which is always a bad move in a time of war. Thinking should be job #1.

And then, of course, there's Peter Arnett. This wonderful American has demonstrated for the world the fine art of stupidity. What else can you say about a guy who goes on an Iraqi government-sponsored program, run by Suddam himself, and says negative comments about our war effort. This can only encourage the enemy and discourage our troops.

Giving his opinion to the Iraqi population that the U.S. had failed in their endeavor to liberate them with their initial battle plan, he obviously was too busy stroking his own ego and getting off on being the big man to see that he was being treasonous.

Freedom of speach? I'm all for it. Just don't do it in the hostile country YOUR country is trying to liberate from the assholes you just gave emotional support to.

There's something to be said for people that are reflective of the two gentlemen I just mentioned...and it's all bad.

I can't believe this news comes mere weeks after I wished the big guy happy birthday (Matt's Rail, PCR #158, actually.--N), but Peter Jackson has just released the first bits of info on his upcoming King Kong epic.

As Nolan pointed in a previous edition of PCR, he believed Jackson had plans to undertake this classic. What I've since learned is that he was working on Kong when production got halted due to Godzilla and Mighty Joe Young coming out at the same time frame. Only then did Jackson undertake "Rings".

Jackson was far along enough on his Kong endeavor to have written a script for the movie with Fran Walsh. This version will apparantly go by the wayside as he will rework it with Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens, who helped him bring the Rings trilogy to the big screen. This can only be met with joyous optimism.

Kong will be shot entirely in New Zealand and visual effects will be courtesy of the Oscar-winning Weta Workshop. Look for the kongfrontation to commence in 2005.

If you would like to read Jackson and Walsh's first draft of KING KONG, click here.

Till next time, take care and God bless,

"Matt's Rail" is ©2003 by Matthew Drinnenberg. Webpage design and all graphics herein are creations of Nolan B. Canova. All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2003 by Nolan B. Canova.