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PCR #174. (Vol. 4, No. 30) This edition is for the week of July 21--27, 2003.
Mike's RantMike's Bust
Hello, gang! Wow! A new look and a new home. Shall we begin?

"Webb's City, Inc. - - The World's Most Unusual Drug Store"
by Will Moriaty
"Bad Boys II"
by Mike Smith
and who owns television and more by Vinnie B.
Ashley answers her critics...again!
 Ashley Lauren
by Brandon Jones
HeroClix, New movies, and Comics
by John Lewis
80s horror films are over-rated?
by Matt Drinnenberg
Webb City revisited...Ashley...Happy Birthday...By Your Command...Passing On
by Mike Smith
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Thanks once again to the great Will Moriaty for triggering many a fond memory with his reminiscences on Webb City. I can remember many an afternoon spent there with my grandfather. Whether just "browsing" or staring at the mermaids, I found every visit there to be an adventure. I too remember the outpost at Gandy and 4th. It's funny, when I was in Tampa with my son, Phillip, I was trying to explain to him how cool Webb City was. Of course, I always think I'm boring him with my recollections. Later, while visiting near the Pier, we noticed that the small museum along the water was hosting a "WEBB CITY" exhibit, complete with some of the original signage.

Anyone who considers Jaws to be a great film that will stand the test of time is aces in my book! I did enjoy this week's follow up. I agree that sometimes what we are thinking when we write is not always translated the way we want it to be in our reader's minds. With only (5) features to his credit, I think it's a little early to put Gore Verbinski alongside Donner, Zemeckis and Spielberg. Same with Shyamalan. Both are starting to do some good work (if not for the almost Barnaby Jones like wrap up at the end of Unbreakable, I would have enjoyed it more). Of course, while watching a recent episode of "The Banana Splits" I was drawn to the credit "live action sequences directed by Richard Donner," so maybe there is hope for some of the new guys on the block.

Can't help but abuse my little power here at the PCR by using this space to wish my son, Phillip, a happy 19th birthday this coming Saturday. Long time readers know that this past year has been full of ups (high school graduation, college baseball) and downs (the tragic passing of a friend). Special thanks to Nolan for his help with Phillip during that very sad time. Your phone call meant so much to him, and to me. As I write this, Phillip's American Legion team is in the midst of the Zone championship series. I'll keep everyone informed as to the outcome!
(A special PCR hip-hip hooray to Phillip Smith! Happy Birthday, my boy, and many happy returns!--Uncle Nolan)

Have to admire Edward James Olmos' honesty. Speaking during a recent press tour for the Sci Fi Channel's remake of "Battlestar Galactica," Olmos was asked what he'd say to people that were die hard fans of the original. His answer: "I would advise them not to watch this program. It'll hurt them." The four-hour miniseries, set to run in December, is much darker in tone then the action packed original show. Olmos assumes the role of Commander Adama, played in the original series by the very grandfatherly Lorne Greene. Olmos will be playing Adama more like "Miami Vice's" Lt. Castillo then Greene's Ben Cartwright. Also, the dashing character Starbuck, originally played by Dirk Benedict, is now a woman. She will still be best friends with Adama's son, Apollo. No word on who is playing the small, but pivotal, role of Lt. Zac, originated by the very under rated Rick Springfield! Incidentally, I think I just set the record for most uses of the word "original" or a derivation in a single paragraph!

David Hampton
, who's charm and wit endeared him to many unsuspecting upper crust New Yorkers, passed away recently in a Manhattan hospital, reportedly of AIDS. He was 39. In 1983, Hampton turned a chance encounter with a college student into notoriety when he presented himself as the son of actor Sidney Poitier and a Harvard University student. The incident later inspired John Guare to write the play Six Degrees of Separation, which was later made into a film starring Will Smith.
Walter Jefferies, designer of the original U.S.S. Enterprise on television's "Star Trek," passed away Monday at the age of 82. He had been battling cancer for some time. Despite working on such long running series as "Dallas" and "Little House on the Prairie," it was the ship with the registry NCC-1701 that he will be remembered for. Incidentally, the registry number came from Jefferies' own airplane.

Well, that's it for now. Have a great week. See ya!

"Mike's Rant" is ©2003 by Michael A. Smith. Webpage design and all graphics herein are creations of Nolan B. Canova. All contents of Nolan's Pop Culture Review are ©2003 by Nolan B. Canova.